Sunday, December 30, 2012

Food for the Grand Canyon self-support trip.

After multiple emails, with different suggestions, I went to the internet to research what minimalist backpackers, whitewater kayaking multi-day trip folks, and the average 3 day weekend hiker used to make their menus on exciting adventures.
 Needless to say, I was totally confused.
 This forced me to stop everything and focus on three questions:
1. How do I normally eat when I'm focused on one long-term project?
2. What am I willing to eat for 12 days in a row?
3. How can I dress it up a bit so it's not totally boring?

I added a few things in the end, but the photos below are a great representation of how I answered those questions when packing for this 12 day Grand Canyon trip that launches on January 1, 2013 with the LiquidLogic crew.

3 packets of instant oatmeal for breakfast
(390 - 480 calories depending on flavor)

Lots of dried fruit and nuts
(17,000 calories total divided by 12 equals 1400 calories per day)
(352g protein total divided by 12 equals 23g protein per day)
(it's difficult to believe, but I double checked everything on the labels)

All the dried fruit and nuts (from the previous picture) mixed up in equal parts (mostly) for each day

1 big protein bar and 1 small balanced bar for each day
(each Big protein bar has 400 calories with 30g protein)
(each Small bar has 170 calories with 10g protein)

"Dinner" options
(I felt I needed some hot food, and some carbs mixed in with all this protein)
(The bags of dehydrated carrots, tomatoes, and celery mix in with all this stuff nicely)
(Each item pictured has 400 - 500 calories)
(the summer sausage and cheese each have about 25 g protein)

All the food fit inside 2 Watershed Ocoee drybags and 1 SeaToSummit 13Liter drybag, which fits very easily in the Remix XP10.
(While I was packing my boat, I stuffed the cracks between drybags with extra random food that was in sealed plastic bags.  It was mostly light stuff like vegetable soup mix and minute rice.)

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